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Structure Determination of Organic Compounds: Tables of Spectral Data by Pretsch, Ernö, Bühlmann, P... ISBN: 9783540938095 List Price: $69.95
Melanoma Critical Debates by Newton-Bishop, Julia, Gore,... ISBN: 9780632057726 List Price: $159.95
Robbery And Restitution The Conflict over Jewish Property in Europe by Martin, Dean, Goschler, Con... ISBN: 9781845450823 List Price: $85.00
Many-Body Problems and Quantum Field Theory An Introduction by Martin, Philippe A., Rothen... ISBN: 9783540213208 List Price: $129.00
Spektroskopische Daten zur Strukturaufklrung organischer Verbindungen (German Edition) by Ernö Pretsch, Philippe Bühl... ISBN: 9783540768654 List Price: $69.95
Economic Geography and Public Policy by Baldwin, Richard, Forslid, ... ISBN: 9780691123110 List Price: $32.95
An aide-de-camp of Napoleon. Memoirs of General Count de Sgur, of the French academy, from 1... by Ségur, Philippe-Paul, Ségur... ISBN: 9781115214865 List Price: $42.99
An aide-de-camp of Napoleon. Memoirs of General Count de Sgur, of the French academy, from 1... by Ségur, Philippe-Paul, Ségur... ISBN: 9781115214834 List Price: $35.99
The Economics of Clusters: Lessons from the French Experience (Studies of Policy Reform) by Duranton, Gilles, Martin, P... ISBN: 9780199592203 List Price: $65.00
Self-managed Networks, Systems, And Services Second IEEE International Workshops, Selfman 20... by Keller, Alexander, Martin-F... ISBN: 9783540347392 List Price: $58.00
Decorative Thirties by Battersby, Martin, Garner, ... ISBN: 9780823012749
Disputatio Philosophica in Qua Refutatur Axioma Illud Aristotelicum, Quo Asseritur Nihil Ess... by Schroedel, Philipp David, I... ISBN: 9781169208537 List Price: $25.56
Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Women by Martin, August Eduard, Jung... ISBN: 9781169351165 List Price: $43.16
Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Women by Martin, August Eduard, Jung... ISBN: 9781164948230 List Price: $31.16
Many-Body Problems and Quantum Field Theory : An Introduction by Martin, Philippe Andre, Rot... ISBN: 9783642059650 List Price: $129.00
Lois Weinberger by Weinberger, Lois, van Caute... ISBN: 9783775735179
Vorsprung durch Virtualisierung: Lernen von virtuellen Pionierunternehmen (Schweizerische Ge... by Hans A. Wüthrich, Andreas P... ISBN: 9783322846914 List Price: $69.95
Gesprach in Dem Reiche Der Todten Uber Die Bibel Und Talmud, Zwischen Dem Seeligen Herrn Doc... by Philipp Ernst Christhold, M... ISBN: 9781249941743 List Price: $15.75
Moderne Verfahren der Qualittsberichterstattung im Krankenhaus, Band 9 (German Edition) by Philipp Hämmerle, Alfred Es... ISBN: 9783936863086 List Price: $28.50
Manuel Complet Du Boulanger, Du Negociant En Grains. P 1 (Ed.1836) (French Edition) by Benoit P. M. N., Philippe-M... ISBN: 9782012585195 List Price: $22.95
Nouveau Manuel Complet Du Boulanger, Du Negociant En Grains. T. 1 (Ed.1846) (French Edition) by Benoit P. M. N., Philippe-M... ISBN: 9782012592872 List Price: $24.95
Nouveau Manuel Complet Du Boulanger, Du Negociant En Grains. T. 2 (Ed.1846) (French Edition) by Benoit P. M. N., Philippe-M... ISBN: 9782012592889 List Price: $27.95
Progress in Ultrafast Intense Laser Science XI by Yamanouchi, Kaoru, Nam, Cha... ISBN: 9783319067308 List Price: $129.00
STEP STandard for the Exchange of Product Model Data: Eine Einfhrung in die Entwicklung, Imp... by Reiner Anderl, Harald John,... ISBN: 9783519063773 List Price: $69.95
Disputatio Philosophica in Qua Refutatur Axioma Illud Aristotelicum, Quo Asseritur Nihil Ess... by Schroedel, Philipp David, I... ISBN: 9781166012328 List Price: $13.56
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